Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

Homebound - Part 1: A journey to Paris

Time had come to leave my beautiful island. I left it with a broken heart for all the beautiful people that I am leaving behind. But as everyone is saying: It is not a "good bye", it is a "see you soon".

Leaving the island in tears with all the precious farewells from my friends I was blessed with a beautiful day and an amazing flight around the island. Unfortunately I was so taken by surprise that I didn't manage to take pictures. But the breathtaking view will stay in my memory forever.

In the afternoon I got to Faial where I spend my last night on the Azores. I was rewarded with a room with a view over the harbour and on Pico mountain. I enjoyed the beautiful evening and sunset eating fresh fruit and yoghurt on my room's balcony.

This night I was well aware of the differnces between a city and Corvo. I got a beautiful view, but my room was also facing the cobbled stone street on which cars were passing by every 10 seconds... So I had the choice between a fresh or a quite room. I chose the quite.

The next "morning" I had coffee and lunch at café internacional, where the waiter apologized for approaching me in English when he found out I was answering in Portuguese (yes ;) ).

Later in the evening around 7p.m. I arrived in Lisbon.
Anxiously I waited for my suitcases ... ... ... finally, what felt to be the last two suitcases, they fell on the luggage belt. I gathered all my strength, pulled up my sleeves and took a fighters position in order to take the 25 and 35kg heavy suitcases off the belt. Puh I did it. First mission  accomplished!

Next task: METRO.
So I heaved the suitcases on to a trolley and worked my way through the airport. Even whole families seemed to be travelling with less luggage than me ;)
After a quick change back into flip-flops. I reached the Metrostation. Thank god, they had elevators, I thought. Unfortunately those didn't go all the way down to the railways... So I worked out a position with my backpack on my back, the Laptop on top of one of the suitcases and a suitcase in each hand... one suitcase up front the other in the back... push, stop. Hah I am on the escalator. After a brief moment of victory and selfsatisfaction fear arose... How am I going to get off?? My vivid mind already painted a picture of me lying prone in my scattered belongings. But the right angle and an enthusiastic push saved me from that dark prospect.
Happily and without bruises I made it to Oriente and after a little confusion even to the right station. It really is troubeling when the information board says Madrid/Hendaye and your train doesn't pass through Madrid. But after a call to my secretary (Mom and Dad) we found out that one part of the train would be going to Madrid and the other to France. Now I also understood why the nice man on the information desk insisted on me walking to the front of the platform. ;)

I found my train, my wagon, my seat and gladly the train was half empty. I also found a convenient place for my suitcases where I didn't have to lift them up. But nevertheless I must have been a funny sight kneeling down in the ally in order to push them into the right position.

And here started my 24 hour, multi lingual trip through southern Europe. I was amazed by all the German students backpacking through Europe and boarding the train with me.
Soon most people around me were talking Spanish, including the conductor. This is when I realized how well I understood the portuguese mother and son sitting and talking right behind me :) .
The Spanish countryside I got to see in the morning was really pretty. It started off with far stretched fields and hills on the horizon and changed into a mountain area as we were riding through the Pyrenees. I loved the cute little country houses with their natural stone facades but was startled by the out of context, disjointed, seemingly planlessly thrown into the surrounding, ugly multistory apartment buildings that appeared in many parts of the country.

Reaching FRANCE
Eventually the train reached its final destination, Hendaye. After an interesting struggle with my cumbersome luggage I made it out of the train. Looking for a way to get over to the right platform I spotted a trolley point... to my dismay without trolleys. Only a few minutes later I discovered the reason. In order to get to the right platform there were only stairs. Great!
So I changed back into flip-flops and got ready. Since people here didn't appear very helpful I chose the empty staircase. At least I would avoid curious faces and embarressment this way. I stationed my luggage on top of the stairs and started carrying it down one by one. The first piece was the lighter suitcase. 25kg. That didn't sound too bad. I lifted it up (puh) and got it down the two flights of stairs. Not to bad for the beginnig. With the heavier suitcase I had to take a break in the middle. Oh dear how was I getting them back up? Maybe 1:30 hours wouldn't be enough to change trains after all.
I pulled my stuff over to the next flight of stairs and started in the same order... This time going up, I already had to stop with the lighter suitcase. And I am glad noboday was hearing the strange noises of exhaustion lol.
Under even these noises I managed to carry the heavier suitcase up to the first landing. There I had to take a break and to switch strategies. not one more step I could lift that bugger. So I ended up pulling it on the wheels step by step... dripping in sweat  I reached the top of the stairs.
The train to Paris arrived way before schedule giving me enough time to sort out my mess. This time it only took some apologetic smiling while I was pulling my obese luggage grazing the seats on each side of the ally up to the luggage racks. Exhausted but imensely proud of my self I sat down in my final seat for this journey.

At 6 p.m. the train reached Paris and my father stormed the wagon in order to help me getting my things out. I made it :)

Samstag, 25. Mai 2013

The top of "the Rock"

Today I finally got my walk to the highest point of Corvo. It was literally breathtaking ;o) 

The climb is quite exhausting and since I'm still struggeling with a cold we had to stop every 10 meters to calm my pulse. It is a very steep walk without a track to walk on. Especially the part close to the ridge of the crater is really demanding. 

funny fluffy plant

It is packed with some kind of plant that looks like giant moss. It is filled with water and you sink into it like into deep snow. 

The top of "the Rock"

When we finally reached the top the view was worth all the trouble and the funny plants served as amazingly soft benches. 

Another beautiful day on "the Rock".

Montag, 20. Mai 2013

Summer around the corner

Finally, it's Bikini Time!!! We had a beautiful summerlike weekend. After a really nice beach BBQ on saturday we are spending another warm day sunbathing.In this picture the girls are not hiding from the sun... it is Monday and the plane landed coming in from the beach side... Lots of sand flying around but definitely another highlight of the day.

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013

Jogos Desportivos Escolares 2013

We had a wonderful time in Horta participating in the JDE and are proud of our team. They jumped, kicked, threw, rolled, danced, swam, laughed, cried, screamed, cheered, ran and scored. They won and lost. Click here to see more pictures and read about our week at the JDE 2013.

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

Festa do Espirito Santo


On the archipelago of the Azores, the famous Festivities of the Holy Spirit take place from April to September and exhibit different characteristics from island to island and from village to village. Brought from mainland Portugal by the first colonists, the festivities of the Holy Spirit maintain their medieval origin as regards their popular features and the colour of the ceremonies. The invocation of the Holy Spirit during natural disasters that have tormented the archipelago and the fame of its miracles, the hard life and the isolation of the islands contributed to the worship taking root and lasting, while it disappeared on mainland Portugal. 

The rituals have hardly been altered. An emperor is crowned in the parish church. With a sceptre and a silver plate as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, he presides over the festivities every Sunday during the seven weeks following Easter. On Whit Sunday, there is a great feast in the town. The centre of the ceremonies is a small chapel, or ‘empire’, used for the distribution of the soup of the Holy Spirit, with meat and vegetables. This is where the crown, the plate and the sceptre can be viewed on the altar. 

The passing of time has given the festivities of the Holy Spirit individual characteristics on each island, although some common elements have remained like the coronation of the ‘emperor’, the viewing of his insignia - the crown and the sceptre - the procession of the ‘emperor’ and the ‘empress’ with their escort, the day of the feast when offerings of bread, meat and wine are distributed.

Festlichkeiten des Heiligen Geistes auf den Azoren - Religiöse Hingabe mit mittelalterlichen Ursprüngen. 
Auf dem Azorenarchipel finden an jedem Sonntag von April bis Juni die Festlichkeiten des Heiligen Geistes statt. Von Insel zu Inseln und von Ortschaft zu Ortschaft besitzen sie die unterschiedlichsten Ausprägungen.
Von Kontinentalportugal kamen mit den ersten Siedlern auch die Feierlichkeiten des Heiligen Geistes Noch heute bewahren Sie ihren volkstümlichen Charakter und in der Farbenpracht ihrer Zeremonien ihre mittelalterlichen Ursprünge.
Die Anrufung des Heiligen Geistes wenn Naturkatastrophen den Archipel heimsuchten und der Ruhm seiner Wunder, das harte Leben auf den Inseln und die Isolation bewirkten, dass der Kult während er in Kontinentalportugal unterging auf den Azoren tiefe Wurzeln schlug und fortbestand.
Die Rituale blieben praktisch unverändert. Ein Imperator wird in der Gemeindekirche gekrönt. Mit Zepter und Silberplatte steht er als Symbole des Heiligen Geistes den Feiern vor, die jeden Sonntag während der sieben Wochen nach Ostern abgehalten werden.
Am Pfingstsonntag gibt es dann in der Stadt ein großes Fest. Der Mittelpunkt der Zeremonie ist eine kleine Kapelle, das "Imperium", die benutzt wird für die Verteilung der Suppe des Heiligen Geistes, mit Fleisch und Gemüse. Dort werden die Krone, die Platte und das Zepter am Altar ausgestellt. 
Im Lauf der Zeit erlangten die Feierlichkeiten des Heiligen Geistes auf jeder Insel besondere Eigenheiten, obgleich ihnen nach wie vor verschiedene Elemente gemeinsam sind, wie etwa die Krönung des "Imperator", die Ausstellung seiner Insignien - Krone und Zepter - der Umzug von "Imperator" und der "Imperatorin", gemeinsam mit ihrem Gefolge sowie der Festtag, an dem die Geschenke an Brot, Fleisch und Wein verteilt werden.


Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Comenius in the regional newspaper

Today our (Deolinda Estevao, Susana Rosa e me) article about the Comenius Assistantship on Corvo got published in one of the regional newspapers.
In this article we introduced the program and its objectives and reported about our work and activities in the school and community.
We are still working on extending our involvement and dedication.

So far it is good to hear that the school has been accepted for another Comenius Assistant in the following school year.

If you are interested in reading the article, check out the following link.

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Another rainy day!

The weather is not doing us any favors. The last two days have been very stormy and rainy again. A proof of that were the numerous adult Cagarros (Gelbschnabel-Sturmtaucher) we found last night. Those birds spend most of their life out in the open sea. They come back to their place of birth to mate and breed. 

During the night their orientation relies on the stars. Due tue the strong winds and streetlights in the "city" some of the birds get lost in the streets. 
This mostly happens to the young birds leaving their nests in September/October. 

The SPEA Team then organizes rescue teams to collect up to 20/30 birds a night so theyy won't be harmed by preditors such as cats. They are put in boxes, checked for injuries, measured and "ringed".

About a month ago "the Cory's" returned to Corvo. They make the most funny and unique sounds and just belong to the sounds of the Island.
Today, during one of the storm breaks we released the three adult birds we found last night. 

BUT one wonderful thing to learn on this island, and I am trying to value it, is that in most bad things, such as repeatedly bad weather you can find something beatuiful and nice. My beautiful and nice today was getting close to those birds. Moreover, Corvo has to offer some really amaying waterfalls and creeks that only come alive with heavy rain. 

More Pictures of Cagarros by google.

Montag, 15. April 2013

My favorite toy!

This week our youngest English learners brought their favorite toy to school. They did a real good job describing the colours or finding the right toy according to a description.

Nicole (1° Ano) and her pink doll; 
Rafael (1° Ano) and his orange, red, green and white fish; 
Amanda (1° Ano) and her pink, green, blue, yellow doll; 
Martim (1° Ano) and his green, yellow, orange and black tractor; 
Sara (4° Ano) and the picture she drew of her doll Maria. Maria has got black hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a pink dress.

Freitag, 5. April 2013

The kids workshop!

Ja, ich spreche deutsch! 
Filipa, Ana Sofia, Andreia, Rui
Tánea and Goncalo (missing in the picture: Nádia)
After one week of practising German the seven participants of the German Workshop for Kids can proudly say that. After long ours of hard work and fun they know the numbers and colours as well as some basic communication skills as introducing oneself, asking about age and origin, and talking about how they feel. In the following lessons everyone worked hard in order to create a portfolio. Parts of the portfolio were to write a profile in German. In order to translate the texts and write about themselves the students used different medias such as a dictionary and an online dictionary. Another task was to do a jigsaw of the German "Bundesländer" and transcribe their names and capitals into a map of the portfolio. Moreover, the kids translated and created their own timetable, translated and wrote postcards with the help of a German postcard, labeled a map of Vila do Corvo for German tourists and designed their cover pages.

Congratulations everyone on completing the course and putting in a lot of effort in your free time. Well done!
Thank you for your interest and participation.

For more pictures see: The kids workshop

Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

German Workshop for Students!!!

Since our students are very busy during the school year, we have decided to offer a German Holiday Workshop for them.
It will take place in the second week of our Easterholidays and will be open to all 2° and 3° cycle students.
We will meet 90 minutes daily for one week and learn some basic German vocabulary as well as cultural and fun facts about that country "far far away".

Please register in the school secretary or directly with me.

Freitag, 1. März 2013

Ordering food

In order to practice how to order and behave in a restaurant we took our seventh grade to the local bar today. After practicing in school all students ordered something to drink and a snack in English. Of course the conversation while enjoxing our snacks was English as well just as the English speaking service. 

Thank you so much Joao e Angela (BBC)

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Valentine's Day- Dia das namoradas

Let me be your Valentine...

Valentine's day or rather "Dia das noamoradas", in Portuguese, is widely celebrated in Portugal. The stores in town had some special items on display and the local restaurants offered romantic Valentine's day dinners.
Today we celebrated Valentine's Day in school. The School was nicely decorated with hearts.
All of the older classes wrote Valentine's cards, which were delivered by our cute little cupids, the twins Rafael and Amanda from first grade. We also elected Mr. and Mrs. Valentine who were shown in a poster. 

Picture by Sara Sousa

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013


Today I got to meet "Lapas" (Napfschnecken). It is a type of sea snail living on rocks in the ocean. Here it is considered a delicacy. I already tried them after they were boiled and part of a delicious soup. 

But I just couldn't get myself to eat them alive... :-S

Because then they still move!!
Watch the video on facebook.

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

First BBQ of the Year

Grilled fish. Today we had grilled fish. The fish had just been caught just a day before. The BBQs here are an amazing invention. So in case you might need a BBQ and don't have one... make yourself a Corvenian version. You just need your old washing machines intestants and, one or two small grids, an old paint can or anything else to raise the washing machine...
The fish tasted delicious.

Sometimes a man with gas and a flame thrower can come in handy :)

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

A Saturday in Flores

View back to Corvo

Today we went on a spontaneous trip to the neighbouring Island. Susana had an appointment with the dentist and asked me to accompany her. So we got on the boat Saturday morning. We were lucky that the boat "Ariel" could travel. Lately many trips had been cancelled due to bad weather. However, the ride on the boat was very rocky. But I managed to keep my breakfast inside. We had a beautiful morning and the water was splashing over the sides of the boat. One more time I was amazed by the view on "the Rock" (Corvo). When the boat leaves the port of Corvo and you can see the Island to its full extent, the hight of the vulcano is very impressive.

We were not the only people travelling today. Most of them were also seeing the dentist ;o) 
The first thing on Flores was to find some breakfast. We got lucky near the supermarket and had some coffee and sandwiches. 

Lawn-mawers? We have goats!
While I was waiting for Susana at the dentists I worked on my Portuguese by reading a few children's stories and taking a peak into the local newspaper. I was very surprised to find some pictures of our Corvenian christmas party in that paper. After that interesting visit to the dentist we spend our day walking the unknown streets of St. Cruz das Flores. We saw goats in front yards, different stores and people and took a look at the church in the city center.When we finally managed to find and decide on a restaurant for lunch, we enjoyed a delicious meal of fresh fish and vegetables with some salad. Oh sweet sweet life. We had salad. 
Well fed we started our shopping tour in the supermarket. We got some nice fruit and vegetables that we just can't get over here most of the time, especially in winter. Moreover, groceries are less expensive here. To my big excitement I found some German products such as "Capri Sonne". They didn't even translate the products name. Since my grandmother always used to buy these for us, I couldn't resist getting some of those comforting goods. I also got some Nutella. What a success!!!              
After that exciting experience we grabbed a coffee outside a nice café watching the the town and time go by. 
Before getting back on the boat we got wild on the playground. And I was able to swing with a view on the ocean again.

It was a perfect day :)
Back to Corvo!

Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013

Deutsch am Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013

Vorgestern - Gestern - Heute - Morgen - Übermorgen

Last week we talked about days and time and what we are going to do. We also watched a German weather forecast. Doing this we saw what the weather was like that day in Germany. We heard and read some of the city names and regions of Germany and took a look on the map. We could also see and listen to the words "Heute", "Freitag", "Samstag" und "Sonntag".

Here is the link to the German weather forecast: Wetterbericht

Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

Corvo 50 Years Ago

Our 8th grade students are working on a project about their home town. They got the task to present their city how it was 50 years ago and point out the differences.
To gather information we had a meeting with the mayor today. Fortunately, his English skills are excellent and he was able to give the presentation in English. Our students prepared questions regarding the social and work life 50 years ago. With lots of interesting stories and pictures the mayor managed to convey a vivid image of the ancient town.

We are looking forward to reading your essays.

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Online Conference

The fifth year successfully participated in an online conference with a sixth grade from Italy. Even for me this was an exciting event. This was my very first online conference with a class. Our students talked about their names and age, favorite colors, favorite food, pets, sports and football teams. Our three children had the pleasure of talking all the time while the Italian class, which contains more than 20 students, had to share their time in front of the computer. The Italian students were very excited and asking us questions, while we had prepared short presentations. In the end our students performed a song they sang for the 'three kings day'. The Italian kids sang an english song for us which they had performed on their christmas party.

It was a very nice hour and a great opportunity for the students to practice their English.

Thank you Deolinda Estevão for your support and for establishing the contact.
We hope to be having another online conference soon.

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Dia das Amiga(o)s

This Year I got to experience a really nice Portuguese or rather Azorean cultural event.
This month (just before carneval) there were two special days dedicated to friendship. Those days are called "Dia dos Amigos" (for boys) and "Dia das Amigas" (for girls).
The first ones who get to celebrate are the boys. It is an all boys night. The guys from Corvo met and had dinner together, playing guitar, singing and having fun.
One week later (both days are set on Thursdays - maybe to keep things from getting to wild ;o) us girls had a girls night out. I got to spend the evening with four very beautiful sweet and fun ladies, Susana, Ashley, Patricia and Joana. We started of with some homemade Sangria (best made by Joana) and fun games. Afterwards we had a nice dinner at Ocean's, our local bar. The dinner was special because we grilled our meat ourselves at the table. It was like having a raclette with only the top part. We weren't the only group enjoying ourselves at Ocean's... so the night became a real blast with lots of dancing and fun ;o)

Thanks for sharing that amazing evening with me!

A wonderful tradition that we should absolutely adopt to our culture...

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

Corvo in Berlin

A Wave from Berlin City!
Today I got an e-mail from my father... obviously the christmas presents have been appreciated. Here you can see "Corvenean" culture travelling to Germany. I know that some hats already made it to Belgium ;o) Wherelse did the beautiful, typical, very warm hat find a home.

Let us know!!

Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Let's discover Europe


Get your passports ready!!

What do you know about Europe? Can you get all the visas for your passport? Learn out about as many countries as possible.  Join us in this adventure and let’s discover Europe!

Next week we are going to start our tour around Europe. The students of the 2nd and 3rd cycle will participate in a quiz ralley through Europe. Every student will get their own "European Passport". 
By answering questions about the European Union the students can win visas for their passports. Every week we will have a new question for them to answer. Of course the questions will be asked in English.

The Passport

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

Os três Reis

Wednesday the children from 1° (1st to 5th grade) went singing for the "three wise men" wishing everyone a happy 2013. We stopped at the bars Bombeiros and Traneira, the supermarket Cabral, the guest house Comodoro, the nursery home, the municipal building, the pharmacy and RIAC and finally we sang inside the school. The pupils were equipped with drums, bells, triangles and more very loud and fun instruments. We sang two songs ("Nos somos os três reis" e "Cantar os reis").
We weren't blessed with sunny weather but instead regarded with mountains of sweets, cake and delicious beverages.

Os três Reis

     Nós somos os três reis                 
Nós somos os três reis
     Que vimos do Oriente                  Guiados por uma luz
     Trazer as boas festas                 Adoramos o Deus Menino
     Com paz p’ra toda a gente.           Que se chama Jesus.

     Nós somos os três reis                 Nós somos os três reis
     Baltazar e Gaspar                       Guiados por uma luz
     Também o Belchior                      E trouxemos três presentes
     O veio adorar.                            P’ro Menino Jesus.


Recently, the Students from 8° presented their books. Some of the books are comics, some are fulltext books.
All books are available in our library. For further questions ask the book presenters! ;o)

"Taxi of Terror"

by Philip Burrows and Mark Foster
Oxford UP
presented by Nadia Cabeceira

'How does it work?' Jack asks when he opens his present - a mobile phone. Later that night, Jack is a prisoner in a taxi in the empty streets of the dark city. He now tries his mobile phone for the first time. Can it save his life?

"Oranges in the Snow"

by Philip Burrows and Mark Foster
Oxford UP
by Igor Ferreira

'Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment,' says your assistant Joe.
You are the famous scientist Mary Durie working in a laboratory in Alaska. When you discover something very new and valueable, other people want to try to steal your idea - can you stop them before they escape?

"New York Café"

by Michael Dean
Oxford UP
presented by Andreia Proença

It is the year 2030, and an e-mail message arrives at New York Café: 'I want to help people and make them happy!' But not everybody is happy about the e-mail, and soon the police and the President are very interested in the New York Café.