Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Comenius in the regional newspaper

Today our (Deolinda Estevao, Susana Rosa e me) article about the Comenius Assistantship on Corvo got published in one of the regional newspapers.
In this article we introduced the program and its objectives and reported about our work and activities in the school and community.
We are still working on extending our involvement and dedication.

So far it is good to hear that the school has been accepted for another Comenius Assistant in the following school year.

If you are interested in reading the article, check out the following link.

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Another rainy day!

The weather is not doing us any favors. The last two days have been very stormy and rainy again. A proof of that were the numerous adult Cagarros (Gelbschnabel-Sturmtaucher) we found last night. Those birds spend most of their life out in the open sea. They come back to their place of birth to mate and breed. 

During the night their orientation relies on the stars. Due tue the strong winds and streetlights in the "city" some of the birds get lost in the streets. 
This mostly happens to the young birds leaving their nests in September/October. 

The SPEA Team then organizes rescue teams to collect up to 20/30 birds a night so theyy won't be harmed by preditors such as cats. They are put in boxes, checked for injuries, measured and "ringed".

About a month ago "the Cory's" returned to Corvo. They make the most funny and unique sounds and just belong to the sounds of the Island.
Today, during one of the storm breaks we released the three adult birds we found last night. 

BUT one wonderful thing to learn on this island, and I am trying to value it, is that in most bad things, such as repeatedly bad weather you can find something beatuiful and nice. My beautiful and nice today was getting close to those birds. Moreover, Corvo has to offer some really amaying waterfalls and creeks that only come alive with heavy rain. 

More Pictures of Cagarros by google.

Montag, 15. April 2013

My favorite toy!

This week our youngest English learners brought their favorite toy to school. They did a real good job describing the colours or finding the right toy according to a description.

Nicole (1° Ano) and her pink doll; 
Rafael (1° Ano) and his orange, red, green and white fish; 
Amanda (1° Ano) and her pink, green, blue, yellow doll; 
Martim (1° Ano) and his green, yellow, orange and black tractor; 
Sara (4° Ano) and the picture she drew of her doll Maria. Maria has got black hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a pink dress.

Freitag, 5. April 2013

The kids workshop!

Ja, ich spreche deutsch! 
Filipa, Ana Sofia, Andreia, Rui
Tánea and Goncalo (missing in the picture: Nádia)
After one week of practising German the seven participants of the German Workshop for Kids can proudly say that. After long ours of hard work and fun they know the numbers and colours as well as some basic communication skills as introducing oneself, asking about age and origin, and talking about how they feel. In the following lessons everyone worked hard in order to create a portfolio. Parts of the portfolio were to write a profile in German. In order to translate the texts and write about themselves the students used different medias such as a dictionary and an online dictionary. Another task was to do a jigsaw of the German "Bundesländer" and transcribe their names and capitals into a map of the portfolio. Moreover, the kids translated and created their own timetable, translated and wrote postcards with the help of a German postcard, labeled a map of Vila do Corvo for German tourists and designed their cover pages.

Congratulations everyone on completing the course and putting in a lot of effort in your free time. Well done!
Thank you for your interest and participation.

For more pictures see: The kids workshop